Generic stream-map
Complete the following definition, which generalizes
to allow procedures that take multiple arguments, analogous to Scheme standart
. Scheme standardly provides a generic
procedure. This more general map takes a procedure of
arguments, together with
lists, and applies the procedure to all the first elements of the lists, all the second elements of the lists, and so on, returning a list of the results. For example:
(map + (list 1 2 3) (list 40 50 60) (list 700 800 900))
(741 852 963)
(map (lambda (x y) (+ x (* 2 y)))
(list 1 2 3)
(list 4 5 6))
(9 12 15)
(define (stream-map proc . argstreams)
(if (<??> (car argstreams))
(apply proc (map <??> argstreams))
(apply stream-map
(cons proc (map <??> argstreams))))))
Using procs provided in tests makes implementation of stream-map consistent with the book, but also makes it actually calculate the whole list provided (at the moment when stream-map is applied, NOT when you try to access the resulting stream). It happens because cons-stream will calculate its arguments unlike the original stream-cons from racket library